Independence Day and the Founding Fathers

Col. Dunn presented at Life Leaders last evening about the importance of freedom of religion and more related to Independence Day and our founding fathers who sought to create a country free of religious persecution that existed in Europe. People had been killed for believing differently. The founding fathers shared a belief in God and respect for human rights.

Birmingham has stood for Freedom of Liberty and Freedom of Rights, and most in the USA share those values. We have Freedom to Flourish at our callings in large part due to veterans and human rights leaders.

Will we honor that leadership and sacrifice?
Will we teach the meaning of Veterans Day, Human Rights, and character traits in schools?
Will we live it in our plans and actions?

Will we help students write plans for school and life to enrich their sense of purpose?

How will you celebrate Independence Day?
What rituals make the holiday meaningful for you?

Do you want more independence in life?
What would it take?
Will you take 1% of your time this week to start or improve a plan for the life you are called to lead?

Life Leaders stands for Best-Self Leadership, Plan for School and Life, and Freedom to Flourish…. We seek to Earn Empowerment and help others.

If you do, you are invited to join us as a subscriber, participant, or sponsor.

May you PLAN and LEAD in LIFE.


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